Some Suggestions for Your Mobile Dating App

Since I last used any dating app, it's been a while since I was seen or heard from. It may not be obvious from my healthy relationship, nonsexy sleepwear, and shared toilet habits but I have been on many dating apps in my time. The slightly (3 lbs) heavier and more makeupless remains of Tinderella are what you see. I was the queen of swiping. I was also queen of disappointment, sore thumbs, and hearing "I just want to let you know that I'm not looking right now for any thing." I even met my boyfriend/roommate/butt-touching partner on Tinder- but that took a lot of digging on multiple platforms. Even though we realized that we had matched previously on Bumble, nothing happened that day because I was too lazy to initiate a conversation. Sorry, babe. It was a science. I was able to identify which apps worked and which ones didn't. I knew what to say, how to play it, and which pictures would be most popular. Although quantity wa...